What Are The Five Components of AI: AI Simplified

Today’s digital world requires automotive systems and machines to make work easier. The principal aspect of these automatic and intelligent machines is to save time and make individuals’ lives more effective. Artificial intelligence is fulfilling this aspect in some countries. The top countries leading in the Artificial intelligence sector are Singapore, the UK, Germany, and the USA. What are the five components of AI? is the main focus of this article. Along with this, it also provides a basic understanding of AI and its advantages and disadvantages.

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a machine with a computing system that can take action automatically according to the chance of success. It makes the machines work without the help of humans. John McCarthy was the first person to use artificial intelligence in 1956, and he defined artificial intelligence as the intelligence of a machine. He is thus known as the father of Artificial Intelligence(AI).

A mathematician, Alan Turing, used a Turing test to test the machine to think like a human. The Turing test will test the device in every possible way, and Alan succeeds in this trial and finds that machines can think like humans.

The goals of artificial intelligence are to create an intelligent system, machines to learn and explain the concepts to the end-users, to make machines think like humans, and to reduce the workload of human beings. Artificial Intelligence uses reasoning, inference, learning, language, problem-solving, and perception to make machines intelligent. 

what are the five components of AI
Source: Unsplash

Some of the AI examples we use in everyday life are

  • Siri on Apple, and Alexa on Android phones, 
  • Google voice recognition, 
  • Text translation, 
  • Self-driving cars, 
  • Small robots, 
  • Chatbots, 
  • Spam filters, 
  • Personalized ads, 
  • Biometrics, 
  • Facial pattern recognition,
  • Intelligent search engines, 
  • Personalized shopping,
  • Computer games, 
  • Automatic electronic machines.  

2. AI programming Langauge

John McCarthy developed a language named LISP(LISt Processing) for artificial intelligence. It is the oldest and most flexible language specially designed for Artificial Intelligence. However, it is not widely used today because of its complex syntax, lack of community support, and lack of libraries. The IT sector widely uses Python, C/C++, and Java programming languages. 

Python programming language is simple, rich in libraries, and an open-source, object-oriented programming language that attracts more than LISP for artificial intelligence. Many concepts have evolved due to artificial intelligence, such as cloud-based reasoning, virtual reality, data mining, machine learning, games, visions, and many more that have increased the demand for artificial intelligence. 

programming language
Source: Unsplash

Artificial intelligence studies human intelligence, which is how the brain makes decisions by considering situations and hints to solve complex problems. Artificial intelligence creates computational models to make machines use previous data and make effective decisions. However, Artificial intelligence is not as powerful as a human brain. 

Some things are impossible to achieve through artificial intelligence, like the brain, such as being sentient( understanding the feelings of others), Emotional intelligence, solving a problem out of code, and creativity. Artificial intelligence helps increase productivity and efficiency, but human intervention is required to generate new ideas.

3. What Are The Five Components of AI?

  • Reasoning: Reasoning is essential in financial asset calculations, legal assessments, gaming applications, automatic weapons, and economic analysis applications. 
  • Knowledge: An application must have the intelligence to present future knowledge to the world, such as predicting the purchase of a product, the latest trends, medical diagnoses, recommendations about something, and the prevention of attacks and frauds. 
  • Planning: Planning is necessary to achieve a goal or mission, and some applications create appropriate plans for business firms with possible human input, such as network optimization, scheduling logistics, maintenance, predictions, management applications, disaster recovery planning applications, etc.
  • Communication: An application needs to understand the language in which the user gives input, called the intelligence of an application, such as translation of written or spoken words, control of voice, transcriptions, and many more.
  • Perception: The application must be able to analyze things by taking input such as images or voices like surveillance, automatic vehicles, medical equipment, and others.

4. Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

  • It can solve complicated problems.
  • Provides cost-effective solutions,
  • Able to achieve reliability in work,
  • Quick decision-making is possible with the help of artificial intelligence.
  • Artificial intelligence can save the data from cyber criminals by achieving the CIA triad.
  • Artificial intelligence in army machines can help soldiers win wars and save the country.
  • In dangerous workplaces, machines with artificial intelligence can save the lives of humans. 
  • Reduces car accidents by automating cars 
  • During natural disasters, these machines will help reduce the damage and financial loss to the business organizations.
  • Automating home appliances and controlling them from anywhere
  • There will be advancements in health technologies by using artificial hearts and other equipment that save the lives of humans.
  • Robots are used in every house for daily cleaning, transportation, etc.
  • Reduces human errors in the workplace
  • Breaks in the workplace become less, and work speed increases.
cyber attack
Source: Unsplash

5. Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

  • High-quality and highly facilitated machines are expensive and are only affordable to rich people to make a better life, and the poor will be in the same stage.
  • Very costly applications and devices
  • A recession occurs due to automated machines.
  • There will be no improvement in the machines with artificial intelligence, but humans can improve their intelligence by gaining experience.
  • There will be no creativity further as humans sit idle due to being jobless.
  • Machines with high intelligence in the wrong hands may threaten the business and the world. 

6. Final Thought

When used properly, artificial intelligence will benefit mankind without affecting employment. Many organizations are using artificial intelligence algorithms to secure their data from intruders. The concept is already being used by organizations such as IBM, Google, and Amazon, which provide services like Amazon AI, Google AI, IBM Watson, and Microsoft Cognitive Services. However, IBM is the leading company in the AI world. 

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