Impact Of AI On Jobs: 7 Ways Artificial Intelligence Reshapes Employment

Rapid advancement in Artificial Intelligence technology excites researchers and scientists who predict AI’s future impact. Individuals, especially labourers, perceive the risk of unemployment with their predictions. This article helps to understand the impact of AI on jobs, unravelling the actual AI future.

The fact is that Artificial intelligence helps increase productivity and efficiency in the work. It only automates repetitive work and the work humans are not interested in doing. In such a case, machines perform the task more efficiently than humans. Employees are still needed in the workplace, even when machines work beyond human capacity.

Artificial intelligence automates only a few jobs and creates more new jobs. Hence, it will have a huge impact only on skills in the future and not on employment. According to Manyika and Sneader, automation could displace 15% of the global workforce and increase the demand for labour to 33% by 2030.

The report suggests that technology fully automates only 5% of jobs(low-skilled jobs). It also concludes that not all occupations are affected, but 30% of activities are in some professions. Technology will harm jobs in only some industries and have a double positive effect on others.

1. Jobs That AI Replaces

According to the findings of Frey and Osborne, 47% of US employment will be at risk in the future. Logistics jobs, transportation, administrative support jobs, low-skilled office jobs, and production jobs are highly at risk due to robots and automation technology. Technology will not affect jobs in some industries, but wages are affected. Some industries require employees with automation skills to execute jobs. According to McKinsey’s research, the following jobs and activities are replaced with AI automation:

impact of AI on jobs
Source: Unsplash
  1. Human tasks that take longer than a machine are automated to reduce time consumption and increase efficiency and productivity.
  2. 80% of the physical activities in a predictable environment are automated, such as repetitive tasks, works that are less interesting to humans, and tasks that require continuous monitoring and immediate action. 
  3. The data production jobs have a 69 per cent automation potential. Data processing, manipulation, distribution, and prediction are all automated to reduce human interaction and errors. This will help increase production and customer satisfaction.
  4. Human resource tasks like CV screening, data cleansing, and data remuneration have an automation potential of 65%.
  5. 64% of machine assembler and operator activities will be automated. The job activities are automated, not the job itself. The job role is safe but requires high skills.
  6. Jobs in the transportation sector are highly affected due to self-driven vehicles.
  7. 55% of the manufacturing sector’s job activities are automated to ensure continuous plant production.

2. Impact Of AI On Jobs

Automation technology creates new jobs and enhances existing roles in the digitalization world. Technology will steal many jobs and simultaneously create new jobs. New jobs require higher skills and expertise. Software developers, engineers, and technicians are safe. They need to upgrade their skills to meet the technology expectations. High skills will give high payouts. 

Trainers are truly safe in the digitalization world. They must train labourers to work with new technology and train algorithms to automate the work. Around 50% of workers need training for six months to a year to gain skills. Now, employers face challenges in choosing the right person who can learn from training and has experimental capacity.

Other professions, such as software developers, cyber security officers, doctors, engineers, artists, planners, technicians, assemblers, machine operators, and maintainers, are safe. The only thing is that they need to increase their automation skills and expertise to use new technology to ease their tasks. 

Low-skilled labourers must upgrade their skills to do the same job because technology makes simple jobs complex. For example, self-driving cars replace drivers, but any failure in the mechanism between the ride requires a human to fix it. So, drivers have to learn skills to understand the mechanism of new vehicles to secure their jobs. 

Source: Unsplash

Many other factors decide the impact of artificial intelligence on jobs, such as the country’s investment policies on technology. Some countries, like the USA, invest more in technology to improve efficiency and productivity, where risks to low-skilled jobs are higher than in other countries.

The second thing is artificial intelligence cannot automate every job role. Even if jobs are automated, a company needs employees to use machines effectively, to maintain and repair the machines. 

Automated industries require more highly skilled workers than low-skilled ones. So education and skill development courses play an essential role in future employment. High qualifications, Technological skills, smart work, and creative thinking are the requirements for future jobs.

With the help of automation, people can earn a better living with smart work in less time. AI automation will only reduce humans’ workload in the future by automating job activities. 

3. Future with AI Automation:

Every sector is adopting AI automation tools, such as marketing management, which increases brand image, understands customer needs, uses data from social media to gain insights, and creates new ideas to increase production and customer satisfaction. AI also improves customer service through chatbots and reduces queues at the customer service desk.

AI software testing tools  SauceLabs, Appitools, and ReTest reduce bugs and protect the computer from viruses and vulnerabilities.   AI automation tools are also successfully implemented in human resource management to automate the hiring process and reduce operational and employee training costs and the decision-making process.

future AI
Source: Pexels

Healthcare industries will use Automation tools and machines to diagnose patients effectively and detect life-threatening diseases in the starting stage to treat and save lives. AI will be used in drug manufacturing industries for clinical trials and to create the right medicines.

AI automation tools will enhance the education system by providing education in a way the students can grasp. It will make teaching fun, interactive, and knowledgeable. AI automation will increase the economic condition of the countries by increasing the employment rate and providing better lives.

4. Final Thought

Artificial Intelligence is helpful in every sector and increases competition in the market. AI will benefit the business market in terms of high productivity and efficiency. Organizations will completely utilize AI automation tools in the future. AI will change the workplace environment completely. It automates work to increase ease, productivity, and efficiency.

AI automation helps prevent thefts, crimes, cyber-attacks, and unethical behaviour by protecting users and their data from intruders. Currently, some countries are using automation tools to reduce robbery and crimes, but in the future, it will become common in every country. However, Automation tools give efficient results only when humans give accurate input.

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